The Bethlehem Toy Store is an annual ministry of the Carolina Baptist Association to children of families of Henderson County that are not able to provide Christmas gifts due to financial difficulties. Families are screened by Interfaith Assistance Ministry. Our goal for this ministry is to pray with and share the gospel with recipients. The Toy Store is held the first Friday in December.
We need help with set-up, distribution and witnessing to families. Call Carolina Baptist Association at 828-693-4274 or fill out the form below to sign up.
Christmas in July
Because Christmas is such a busy time, Carolina Baptist Association holds the Christmas in July Toy Drive for the Bethlehem Toy Store during July. This is for families in Henderson County who are experiencing difficult situations during Christmas. Families receive toys for their children and are presented a Bible and the Gospel through this outreach. Each family is screened by Interfaith Assistance Ministry.
July is the month we ask churches to have a toy drive, of course, we will take toys any time of the year! July is just a suggested month. This is a great opportunity for your church, small group, VBS, Sunday school class, etc., to help kick off our Toy Store.
Please collect NEW toys for children ages newborn through 16 years of age. You may bring your toys to the Carolina Baptist Association, 601 Hebron Rd., Hendersonville, any time Monday - Thursday from 9am - 4pm.